These are the videos you need to migrate. You will see a list of all of your video recordings that are stored on Zoom’s servers.At the top of the screen, you’ll see “Cloud Recordings” and “Local Recordings”.On the left hand side of the screen, click on the Recordings link.For information on how to create the folders, please see Getting Started with OneDrive and jumping to the 1:07 mark of the video. We suggest that you create the subfolders for each recording in OneDrive prior to migrating from the Zoom servers. First, download the recordings to your computer, then upload the files to OneDrive, and, finally, delete the recordings from Zoom. If you didn't have closed captioning enabled or there was no chat, then you will only have the MP4 file. Please keep all three files together for each recording. Secondly, there may be up to three different files for each recording: the MP4 file that contains the video itself, a TXT file that has the transcript of the chat, and a VTT file that contains any subtitles or closed captioning that you used during the original meeting.Additionally, this will make sharing your recordings from OneDrive much easier to manage. First, we strongly recommend that you create a separate folder in OneDrive for each recording in order to keep your recordings organized and easy to find.This article covers how to download your recordings from Zoom's server and then upload them to your OneDrive space.